The Hiǧra - The New Islamic Year


Islamic holidays are based on the lunar calendar, which is eleven days shorter than the solar year. For this reason, the festivals and holidays shift annually. This year, the new Islamic year begins with the month of Muḥarram, which this year falls on August 19th and 20th.

The New Year dates back to the emigration (Hiǧra) of Muslims from Mecca to Medina, who had to leave their homeland in 622 AD to flee persecution and oppression.  
This event should remind us today of the persecuted, oppressed and marginalised of this world and spur us all on to contribute to the creating of a better - diversity-oriented - world. For like no other Islamic festival, the Hiǧra symbolises above all the commitment to justice and freedom.
In this spirit, we wish all Muslims a blessed and peaceful New Year 1442!