
Showing entries 21 - 29 out of 29

Islamic Organisations in Europe and their Notions of Education

Deniz Cosan Eke
Islamic Organisations in Europe and their Notions of Education
Conference, Participation in ...
25.6.2021 - 26.6.2021

Religion und Medien. Die Einflüsse von Medien auf die alevitische Bewegung

Deniz Cosan Eke
Talk or oral contribution
26.5.2021 - 26.5.2021

COST Head Office (External organisation)

Deniz Cosan Eke
Research organization
..2021 - ..2025

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinsachft (External organisation)

Deniz Cosan Eke
Research organization
..2021 - ..2025

The Migration Conference (Event)

Deniz Cosan Eke
The Migration Conference
Conference, Research organization
..2021 - ..2021

Die religiösen Führer des Alevitentums

Deniz Cosan Eke
Talk or oral contribution
19.11.2019 - 19.11.2019

Religiöse Rituale in Alevitentum

Deniz Cosan Eke
Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Bayern
Conference, Talk or oral contribution
..2019 - ..2019

Sozial und Kulturelle Perspektives für die Interkulturelle Verständnis

Deniz Cosan Eke
Talk or oral contribution
29.6.2018 - 29.6.2018

The Role of Dedes in the Alevi Movement

Deniz Cosan Eke
Traditional and New Alevi Institutions
Seminar/Workshop, Talk or oral contribution
..2018 - ..2018

Showing entries 21 - 29 out of 29