Publication on Alevi Religious Education in Public Schools in Germany: Contextualisation and Challenges

19.06.2020 Mag.a Handan Aksünger-Kizil's new publication titled „Alevitischer Religionsunterricht an öffentlichen Schulen in Deutschland. Kontextualisierung und Herausforderungen“ ["Alevi Religious Education at Public Schools in Germany. Contextualisation and Challenges"] in the anthology „Ansätze, Kontexte und Impulse zu dialogischem Religionsunterricht“ ["Approaches, Contexts and Impulses for Dialogical Religious Education"] (eds. Thorsten Knauth & Wolfram Weiße) was published in June 2020 in the series „Religionen im Dialog“ ["Religions in Dialogue"].


The anthology „Ansätze, Kontexte und Impulse zu dialogischem Religionsunterricht“ ["Approaches, Contexts and Incentives for Dialogical Religious Education"]  shows that approaches to dialogical religious education are receiving a lot of attention due to increasing religious diversity and social heterogeneity in religious education, schools and education.

Handan Aksünger-Kizil explores Alevis after 60 years of migration in their new homeland, Germany.

It describes the developments around Alevi religious education, government contracts and study programmes at universities, framed against the background of a secular and religious discourse as well as religious pluralisation in the European context. These completely new opportunities are at the same time challenges that require fundamental research on interreligious dialogue from an Alevi perspective. 

  More information on the anthology can be found at Waxmann Verlag (publishing company).