Lecture (in German) : "Between Persecution and Academization: Alevis in Their New Home Europe?"


Univ. Prof. Mag. Dr. Handan Aksünger-Kizil will give a talk at the Orientakademie under the title "Between Persecution and Academization: Alevis in Their New Home Europe?". This talk is a part of the lecture series "The Others in Islamim Islam- Alevis, Bektashis, Kizilbash", organised through a cooperation between the Alevi-Theological Studies at the University of Vienna and the Austrian Orient Society (Österreichischen Orient Gesellschaft; ÖOG).

Tuesday, 15.10.2019, 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM

ÖOG Klubsaal, 1010 Wien, Dominikanerbastei 6/6

You can find further information (in German) in the PDF file linked here.