The theme of the conference was "Religion from Inside". Michael Kramer, together with Minoo Mirshahvalad (John XXIII Foundation for Religious Science), organised the panel "Islamic and Alevi Diversity: Challenges, Benefits and Utopias".
The contributions provided deeper insights into different organisations and theological orientations as well as insights into intra-Islamic pluralism, which was critically reflected and discussed not only because of the imported global frictions between Sunnis, Shiites and Alevis in general, but also because of complex intra- and extra-religious disputes. In addition to the above-mentioned persons, Andrea Priori (Fulda University), Stephan Hinghofer-Szalkay (Karl-Franzens University Graz), Naser Ghobadzadeh (Australian Catholic University) and Lucian Reinfandt (Austrian Fund for the Documentation of Religiously Motivated Political Extremism) were also involved in the panel with exciting contributions.
More information can be found on the conference website.