New Publication by Ranja Ebrahim


The publication Kopftuch(verbot): Rechtliche, theologische, politische und pädagogische Perspektiven [Headscarf(ban): Legal, Theological, Political and Pedagogical Perspectives], edited by Mag. Dr. Ranja Ebrahim and Dr. Ulvi Karagedik, MA, from the series Wiener Beiträge zur Islamforschung [Vienna Contributions to Islamic Studies] will be published on May 30, 2021.

The release date has been postponed to September 21, 2021!

Nevertheless, the publication can be pre-ordered at Springer.


The conference volume discusses the headscarf from interdisciplinary perspectives in the context of debates on banning the headscarf in German-speaking countries. The starting point is the recent decisions in the Austrian primary school sector and possible consequences for social interaction. The added bonus of this publication results from the examination of the otherwise populist and politically exploited topic of the Muslim headscarf and offers instead a differentiated and above all differentiating elaboration both for teachers in the field and for the interested general public.