Online Lecture by Prof. Takim


Prof. Abdullah Takim from the University of Innsbruck will give an online lecture in German on Wir werden ihnen unsere Zeichen zeigen: in der Außen- und ihrer Innenwelt (Koran 41,53): Die Erforschung des Islam im Spannungsfeld zwischen Innen- und Außenperspektive [We will show them our symbols: in the outside world and their inside world (Quran 41:53): The study of Islam in the tension between the internal and external perspective].

We are very excited about Prof. Takim's presentation and would like to invite all students to this exciting lecture! This will take place on March 10, 2021 from 18:30 to 20:00 via BigBlueButton.

Link to the lecture

The lecture is part of a closed event where research findings will be presented by Department staff. All lecture titles can be found in the PDF file linked here.