
For information and news about the individual disciplines, please see the relevant pages on this website.

An overview of our events can be found on the research page.


Arabic Tutorials in WS 2019/2020

In the upcoming semester two Arabic tutorials will be offered at the Department for Islamic-Theological Studies!


7th Symposium of the ÖGFD on 23.09.2019 in Klagenfurt

The Austrian Society for Teaching Methodology (Österreichische Gesellschaft für Fachdidaktik; ÖGFD) was founded in 2012 and is the umbrella...


We wish our Muslim students a blessed Festival of Sacrifice.


The Annual Meeting of the Providers of Spiritual Care for Prisoners

This year's 66th annual meeting of the providers of spiritual care for prisoners in Bavaria, Austria and Switzerland takes place in Seggauberg under...


The Potential of Writing for Research-Driven Studies


We wish our Muslim students a blessed Festival of Breaking the Fast.


Award for Dr. Ulvi Karagedik

Dr. Ulvi Karagedik's doctoral thesis "Hadith Hermeneutic between Tradition and Innovation", written at the Faculty of Philosophy and Education in the...


Dialogue in Science and Religious Education: Evolution Instruction in a Diverse Society Using Pedagogy of Difference

A joint project of the University of Haifa, Georgia Southern Univerisity, University College London, St Edmund's College, Cambridge and the Department...


Foundation of the Austrian Science Forum "Islam and Society" (ÖWIG)

The Austrian Science Forum Islam and Society (Österreichisches Wissenschaftsforum Islam und Gesellschaft; ÖWIG) wants to participate through...