
For information and news about the individual disciplines, please see the relevant pages on this website.

An overview of our events can be found on the research page.


Students can once again participate in writing mentoring in the winter semester 2024.


Univ.-Prof. Dr Handan Aksünger-Kizil leaves our Department

Our long-term Head of Department and Directorate of Studies, Prof. Dr. Handan Aksünger-Kizil, left our department in October.


New professorship and Head of Department at the IITS

We are pleased to introduce Assistant Professor Dr Tuğrul Kurt, BA MA as our new Professor of Islamic Theology at the Department.


The "Theologisches Reflektorium" [Theological Reflexion] is an academic platform that promotes dialogue on theological, ethical, religious and...


Autumn Academy on "Feminist Economics" at the BOKU

On 3-5 October 2024, the Autumn Academy on "Feminist Economics" will take place on the premises of the BOKU, where our colleague Mag. Dr. Ranja...


Saying farewell to colleagues

After many years of working together, we have to say goodbye to four of our colleagues this semester.


Egypt, with its Nile and its history, has fascinated many people: Conquerors, adventurers, scientists, but also students from the Department of...


Interview with Univ.-Prof. Dr. Handan Aksünger-Kizil

On the occasion of the Muharrem fasting of the Alevis, Univ.-Prof. Dr. Handan Aksünger-Kizil gave an interview on the topic "Von mehreren Seiten...


Muharram fasting and Ashura 2024

On 7 July 2024, the 12-day Muharram fast and mourning period begins for Alevis.