
For information and news about the individual disciplines, please see the relevant pages on this website.

An overview of our events can be found on the research page.


Research Award for Dr. Cem Kara

For his publication Grenzen überschreitende Derwische. Kulturbeziehungen des Bektaschi-Ordens 1826-1925 (Dervishes Transcending Borders. Cultural...


Our students can once again participate in writing mentoring in the winter semester 2022.


New Head of Department Elected

Univ.-Prof. Mag. Dr. Handan Aksünger-Kizil was appointed Head of the Department of Islamic-Theological Studies and Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ednan Aslan, M.A....


Last Thursday, the students of Islamic Theological Studies were given a tour of the Theology Department Library.


New Office Hours of the StudyServiceUnit

The office hours of the StudyServiceUnit now take place 10am-12pm on Tuesdays and 1pm-3pm on Thursdays.


At the start of the semester, the student representatives gave the new students a tour of the department and spent the afternoon with them enjoying...


New Project Starting: "Vienna-Bamberger Suyuti-Project"

The Vienna-Bamberg Suyuti Project (WBSP) of Dr. Ahmed Gad Makhlouf, MA (research field Islamic Jurisprudence) focuses on the Egyptian scholar Jalāl...


Lecture Series Diversity in Islam

The lecture series on Diversity in Islam, organised by Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ednan Aslan, MA, will take place between 3.10. and 12.12.2022 on Mondays from...


A Change in the Management of the Department

It was with a smile and a tear that we had to say goodbye to the head of our department, Dr Ranja Ebrahim.