
For information and news about the individual disciplines, please see the relevant pages on this website.

An overview of our events can be found on the research page.


At the invitation of the Federal Minister for Women, Family, Youth and Integration in the Federal Chancellery MMag. Dr. Susanne Raab, some members of...


Together with our students, we were invited to break the fast at Džemat Kevser Tulln with the President of the IGGÖ, Mag. Ümit Vural. After the ifṭār,...


uniorientiert 2022

For those who couldn't make it to the BeSt3 fair, uniorientiert provides another opportunity for student advising. uniorientiert takes place from...


To all Muslim students and staff, we wish you good health and blessings.


Last weekend we gained many new impressions in the social training workshop at the ÖH Bundevertretung representation workshop, met great people and...


The Alevi Hızır Fasting

On February 8, the Hızır fast begins for Alevis, one of the most important events in the calendar of festivities. With a three-day fast in honour of...


Mag. Dr. Ranja Ebrahim was appointed Head of the Department of Islamic-Theological Studies on November 2, 2021. Deputy Head of the Department is PD...


Have a blessed Feast of Sacrifice

We wish all Muslims a happy Feast of Sacrifice - Eid Mubarak!


Recognition in the "Best of 2020 Law Journals"

The article Evolution of Islamic Law in the 20th Century: The Conception of Collective Ijtihād in the Debate Between Muslim Scholars by Dr. Ahmed Gad...