Call for Papers


CfP: 40 Jahre Islamischer Religionsunterricht in Österreich [40 Years of Islamic Religious Education in Austria]

The discipline of Islamic Religious Education is organising the international symposium 40 Years of Islamic Religious Education in Austria in...


CfP: Islamic Organisations in Europe and their Notions of Education

The discipline of Islamic Religious Education at the Department of Islamic Theological Studies at the University of Vienna is organising the...


CfP: The Migration Conference 2021

The Migration Conference 2021 on Migration, Religion, and Religious Groups takes place between 6 and 10 July.


CfP: ÖRF "Religionsdidaktik im Kontext von Fachdidaktiken"

The ÖRF warmly welcomes submissions specifically on the topic of the journal to be published in May 2021, as well as contributions that go beyond the...


CfP: The International Virtual Conference on Peace Education and Religions

The Department of Religious Education of Islamic Theological Studies at the University of Vienna is organising a conference titled "The International...


CfP: ÖRF "Sustainable Learning"

Call for Papers of the Österreichischen Religionspädagogischen Forum [Austrian Religious Education Forum] - 28 / 2020 / Issue 2


CfP: Religion(s) at school

The University of Vienna, Department for Islamic-Theological Studies is organizing the international conference "Religion(s) at school" in Vienna from...