Online Lecture Series: Wiener Beiträge zur Islamischen Religionspädagogik [Vienna Contributions to Islamic Religious Education]


Religious education is in a tense relationship with social transformation processes and forms a dynamic field of discourse that is subject to constant change. The lecture series Wiener Beiträge zur Islamischen Religionspädagogik [Vienna Contributions to Islamic Religious Education] addresses current topics and challenges in this field and offers interdisciplinary perspectives.

With the first cycle, which begins in April 2025, the discipline of Islamic Religious Education is providing a new impulse for the further development and reflection of religious educational discourses in the context of pluralistic societies.

We cordially invite all interested parties who would like to engage with the topics of religious education and its social challenges.


All dates and topics can be found in the event poster (in German).

Click on the image to view a larger version.