Travel report on the excursion to Indonesia


In the time from 7th to 20th August 2023, the department organised a research trip to Indonesia under the direction of Prof. Dr. Ednan Aslan. The aim of the trip was to deepen existing research collaborations with various Indonesian universities, to promote intercultural exchange and to set new impulses for future cooperation.

During our stay, the participants had the opportunity to visit different universities in Jakarta, Solo, Yogyakarta, Ache, Semarang, Salatiga and discuss our current research projects of the Department, which were met with both great interest and positive response. The discussions that ensued after the presentations showed a high level of expertise and interest on the part of the students and faculty members.

The encounters with the Indonesian students were undoubtedly one of the highlights of our trip. Their passion, curiosity and openness were inspiring. We exchanged ideas not only about academic topics, but also about cultural differences, ways of life and personal stories. These conversations gave me insights into the mindsets of Indonesia's younger generation and fostered a deeper understanding of their perspectives.

The hospitality shown to our Department during our stay was overwhelming. Hosts invited us to traditional Indonesian meals, showed us local sights and gave me an insight into everyday life in Indonesia. These experiences helped to forge a bond that went beyond purely academic collaboration.

With regard to research cooperation, we were able to make gratifying progress. Concrete plans for the further exchange of students and researchers were developed together with the universities. The idea of a joint exchange programme was discussed intensively and the first steps in this direction were taken. This promises to be enriching not only for the institutions involved, but also for the individual academic and cultural horizons of the participants.

In summary, our research trip to Indonesia was an extraordinary experience that exceeded our expectations. The encounters with students, the hospitality of the people and the progress in research collaborations have left lasting impressions. This trip not only broadened my horizons, but also highlighted the importance of international cooperation and intercultural exchange. I am grateful for the opportunity and look forward to future collaborations with my Indonesian colleagues.


Written by Prof. Ednan Aslan