

Seminar for Doctoral Candidates (IRP)

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ednan Aslan, MA is offering the Seminar for Doctoral Candidates (IRP) via the SPL 43 - Doctoral Programme in Philosophy and...


Symposium on Pedagogical Resources for Dialogue between Science Education and Religious Education

This symposium is co-convened by Prof. Hanan Alexander, University of Haifa, and Prof. Michael Reiss, University College London. This online gathering...


New Publication with a Contribution by Prof. Ednan Aslan

There is a new publication by Friedrich Schweitzer & Peter Schreiner (eds.) with a contribution by Prof. Dr. Ednan Aslan, entitled "Observation on...


Summary "International Conference on Peace Education and Religions", October 22-25, 2020

As an interdisciplinary and transnational platform for researchers, academics and activists, the virtual conference offered an exchange across...


Zeitschrift für Pädagogik und Theologie (Journal of Pedagogy and Theology)

For the first time in the journal's 70-year history, a Catholic and a Muslim religious educator are contributing to the journal's conceptual work.


The 16th Salzburg Europe Summit

The Corona pandemic is hitting the world with full force. Societal, social, economic and cultural life has been shut down to an extent that has never...


Meet the Department Virtually

The project staff of the "Citizenship and Education in Islam" (CEAI) project have prepared a video to help new students find their way around the...


Panel Discussion "On Integration and Security"

How does integration in Vienna and Europe work at the moment? Why do more and more people in their own neighbourhoods have the feeling that the city...


The recommendation of the 2017 Aslan study for the Graz provincial government is implemented

Report from the Synagogue Special Committee