

A new publication by Ednan Aslan and Marcia Hermansen


A new publication by Ednan Aslan, Martin Rothgangel, and Martin Jäggle


"Jewish-Muslim Relations: Historical and Contemporary Interactions and Exchanges"


"Islamist Radicalization. Biographical histories in the Context of religious socialization and the radical Milieu."


The Department of Islamic-Theological Studies is happy to announce a new volume in the series of "Wiener Beiträge zur Islamforschung" (Vienna...

Further publications


Aslan E. Hadit-Didaktik: Eine lebendige Beziehung zur Sunnah. In Başol-Gürdal A, Özsoy Ö, editors, Geschichtsschreibung zum Frühislam: Quellenkritik und Rekonstruktion der Anfänge. Berlin: EB-Verlag. 2014. p. 379-389

Aslan E. Islamische Erziehung in den pluralen Gesellschaften von Europa. In Marko J, editor, Staat und Religion: 9. Fakultätstag der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz ; 16. Mai 2014 . Graz: Leykam Buchverlag. 2014. p. 63-67. 4


Aslan E. Approaches to the Concept of Secularism from the Perspective of Muslims. In Islamic Education in Secular Societies. Peter Lang. 2013. p. 29-71. 1

Aslan E. Eğitimde Bir Arayış: Değerler Eğitimi. In Antalya Valiliği. 2013. p. 18-24

Aslan E, (ed.), Rausch M, (ed.). Islamic Education in Secular Societies. Frankfurt: Peter Lang, 2013. 346 p. (Wiener Islamstudien, Vol. 4).