

"Jewish-Muslim Relations: Historical and Contemporary Interactions and Exchanges"


"Islamist Radicalization. Biographical histories in the Context of religious socialization and the radical Milieu."


The Department of Islamic-Theological Studies is happy to announce a new volume in the series of "Wiener Beiträge zur Islamforschung" (Vienna...


This work depicts the breadth and complexity of everyday religious practice and provides profound insights into Muslim realities. In its qualitative...

Further publications


Aslan E. Hadit-Didaktik: Eine lebendige Beziehung zur Sunnah. In Başol-Gürdal A, Özsoy Ö, editors, Geschichtsschreibung zum Frühislam: Quellenkritik und Rekonstruktion der Anfänge. Berlin: EB-Verlag. 2014. p. 379-389

Aslan E. Islamische Erziehung in den pluralen Gesellschaften von Europa. In Marko J, editor, Staat und Religion: 9. Fakultätstag der Rechtswissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz ; 16. Mai 2014 . Graz: Leykam Buchverlag. 2014. p. 63-67. 4


Aslan E. Approaches to the Concept of Secularism from the Perspective of Muslims. In Islamic Education in Secular Societies. Peter Lang. 2013. p. 29-71. 1

Aslan E. Eğitimde Bir Arayış: Değerler Eğitimi. In Antalya Valiliği. 2013. p. 18-24