

"Jewish-Muslim Relations: Historical and Contemporary Interactions and Exchanges"


"Islamist Radicalization. Biographical histories in the Context of religious socialization and the radical Milieu."


The Department of Islamic-Theological Studies is happy to announce a new volume in the series of "Wiener Beiträge zur Islamforschung" (Vienna...


This work depicts the breadth and complexity of everyday religious practice and provides profound insights into Muslim realities. In its qualitative...

Further publications


Aslan E. Migration, Religion and Early Childhood Education. 1 ed. Springer, 2020. 261 p. (Wiener Beiträge zur Islamforschung).

Jäggle M, Aslan E, Rothgangel M. Preface. In Religious Education at Schools in Europe. Part 5: Southeastern Europe. Göttingen: V&R unipress, Vienna University Press. 2020. p. 7-13. (Wiener Forum für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft; No. 5, Vol. 10).

Aslan E, (ed.), Rothgangel M, (ed.), Jäggle M, (ed.). Religious Education at Schools in Europe: Part 5: Southeastern Europe . Göttingen: V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2020. 279 p. (Wiener Forum für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft; No. 5, Vol. 10).

Aslan E, Hamidi X. Religious Education in Kosovo. In Rothgangel M, Aslan E, Jäggle M, editors, Religious Education at Schools in Europe: Part 5: Southeastern Europe . Göttingen: V&R unipress, Vienna University Press. 2020. p. 119-139. (Wiener Forum für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft; No. 5, Vol. 10).


Aslan E. Gefangen in der Vergangenheit. Die Weltwoche. 2019 Oct 16;(Ausgabe 42/2019).

Kocyigit I. CE002 Terror 1010 Wien: . 2019.

Aslan E. Kulturen, Traditionen, Sprachen, Religionen. In Martinek J, Mazal W, Wetscherek E, editors, Sozialpolitik und Zukunftssicherheit: Tagungsbericht Denkwerkstatt St. Lambrecht 2017 und 2018. 1 ed. Vol. VI. WIen: nwRecht. 2019. p. 123-133

Aslan E. Ар түрдүү коомчулук үчүн диний билим берүү. In «ИСЛАМ АЗЫРКЫ СВЕТТИК МАМЛЕКЕТТЕ: II эл аралык конференциясынын Баяндамалар жыйнагы. Bishkek: State Religious Affairs prepared by the National Commission of the Kyrgyz Republic to the United Nations. 2019. p. 55-64

Aslan E, Rausch M. Jewish of Qur'an. In Jewish-Muslim Relations: Historical and Contemporary Interactions and Exchanges. Springer. 2019. p. 17-33

Aslan E, (ed.), Rausch M, (ed.). Jewish-Muslim Relations: Historical and Contemporary Interactions and Exchanges. Springer, 2019. (Wiener Beiträge zur Islamforschung).

Aslan E. Musliminnen und Muslime in Europa. In DLS, editor, Land.Haus.Gepräche: Menschenrechte im Fokus. Graz: Leykam Buchverlag. 2019. p. 39-54