
Ongoing projects


  • IRP: Der Beitrag der religiösen Bildung zur Citizenship Education in einer pluralen demokratischen Gesellschaft [The contribution of religious education to citizenship education in a pluralistic democratic society]

    The habilitation project "The contribution of religious education to citizenship education in a pluralistic democratic society: Perspectives of students and teachers on Islamic and Catholic religious education at public schools in Austria" deals with the question of the extent to which Islamic and Catholic religious education in Austria can contribute to citizenship education or democracy education - i.e. to the promotion of democratic awareness and social participation. In view of the increasing spread of competing narratives, problematic attributions, fake news, right-wing populism and religious fundamentalism, the importance of democracy-related education is experiencing a significant revaluation.

    The aim of the study is to identify those dimensions of religious education that act as a social force in the context of the institution of school and meet the requirements of a modern, pluralistic society and its value base. The central research question will be investigated as part of the project: What contribution can Islamic and Catholic religious education in Austria make to citizenship education in a religiously diverse society?

    The project is based on a qualitative research approach, which aims to record the experiences and attitudes of pupils and teachers. As part of the study, a total of around 40 pupils (Catholic/Islamic) and 40 teachers (Catholic/Islamic) will be surveyed in guided interviews.

    The survey of the students aims to record their perceptions of religious education, particularly with regard to the teaching style, group dynamics and discussion culture. Furthermore, their handling of divergent understandings of religion and theological topics is discussed. Furthermore, the students are asked how they perceive politically and socially relevant topics. Another focus is on the students' experiences with interreligious education.

    At the same time, the teachers are interviewed about their teaching approaches and experiences. The guidelines for the interviews are based on various focal points, including the concepts of religious education, such as objectives, teaching style and discussion culture. Furthermore, dealing with divergent understandings of religion and theological topics as well as dealing with politically and socially relevant topics will be researched. A focus is placed on value orientations, practicing basic democratic attitudes and dealing with current discourses and conflicts. The teachers' experiences and attitudes towards interreligious education also play a central role.

    The interviews are evaluated using qualitative content analysis according to Kuckartz.

    The aim of the project is to identify the potentials and challenges of denominational religious education with regard to democracy education. On this basis, impulses for practice and the training of religious education teachers will be derived.

    The project is headed by Dr. Senol Yagdi PhD.

    Project duration: 2024-




  • IRP: Muslimischer Antisemitismus in Moscheegemeinden Österreichs? [Muslim anti-Semitism in Austrian Mosque Communities?]

    This interdisciplinary anti-Semitism project, funded by the Austrian Academy of Sciences and led by Prof. Dr. Ednan Aslan, MA and Mag. iur. Michael Kramer, PhD, deals with the relationship between Islam and Judaism and between Muslims and Jews, as well as with the denotation of anti-Semitism. For this purpose, young Muslim women between the ages of 18 and 30 who attend mosques and imams of various mosque communities in Austria will first be interviewed within the framework of qualitative social research. A follow-up application is then planned to conduct interviews with young Jews as well as rabbis and Jewish scholars in Austria on Jewish-Islamic relations. The findings of this study are not only relevant for experts, politicians and legislators, but also have social significance, as they encourage critical reflection on the mutual relationship and its academic as well as media reproduction.

    Further information can be found on the project website.

    Project duration: 2023-

  • IRP: Effekte des Islamischen Religionsunterrichts in Österreich [Effects of Islamic Religious Education in Austria]

    The research project of Prof. Dr. Ednan Aslan, MA and Tamara Nili-Freudenschuß, BA MA aims to evaluate Islamic religious education in Austria on the basis of results obtained through quantitative research. The project compares the knowledge about and attitudes towards Islam (and other religions) of 9th grade students who attend Islamic religious education with the knowledge and attitudes of students who have opted out of Islamic religious education. The project is designed as a cross-sectional study with approximately 1,000 subjects per group.

    The aim is to elicit the effects of Islamic religious education in Austria on the basis of the knowledge and attitudes surveyed in the questionnaire, which will serve as a basis for its further development.

    Further information can be found on the project website.

    Project duration: 2022-

  • IRP: The Return on Islamic Religious Education - an Evaluation of the Effects of Islamic Religious Education in Central Java

    This is a project by Prof. Dr Ednan Aslan, MA in collaboration with UIN Walisongo in Indonesia.

    Islamic religious education in Indonesia, like the other subjects, has an important educational mission in public schools, in that it aims to enable Muslim students to develop a religious orientation in confrontation with their cultural, social origins and the Islamic tradition, and to treat people of other religious or ideological orientations with respect and tolerance. Given this central importance of Islamic religious education for society, the project “the return of Islamic religious education – an evaluation of the effects of Islamic religious education in Central Java” aims to investigate the extent to which Islamic religious education in Central Java’s public schools achieves its educational goals.

    The planned research project aims to evaluate Islamic religious education in Central Java based on results obtained through quantitative research. For this purpose, a comparison of the knowledge about and attitudes towards Islam (and other religions) of 12th grade students attending Islamic religious education classes (study group) with the knowledge and attitudes of students attending Islamic religious education classes in a non-Muslim country, using Austria as an example (control group), will be conducted. The two projects are supervised and coordinated by an international team.

    By comparing the results of the study and control groups, the effects of Islamic religious education in different contexts can then be elicited. This is possible because the survey also captures instructional, personal, and social indicators that can be used to determine the extent to which variances between the study and control groups are moderated by Islamic religious instruction or caused by other factors.

    Further information can be found on the website of the project.

    Project duration: 2022-

  • IRP: Islamlandkarte

    A project by Prof. Dr. Ednan Aslan, MA

    Project duration: 2021-2025

  • IRP: Religious Education Pedagogy Podcast

    RelipedCast is a multimedia project run by the department for Islamic Religious Pedagogy at the Institute for Islamic Theological Studies at the University of Vienna, led by Prof. Dr. Ednan Aslan, MA.

    The podcasts and radio features scientific voices involved in the science and tenets of religious pedagogy and would like to be known as a platform where topics of religious pedagogy are explored and debated.

    Further information can be found on the website of Religious Education Pedagogy Podcast.

    Project duration: 2020-

Completed projects


  • IRP: Einfluss des medial vermittelten Islambildes auf die religiöse Orientierung muslimischer SchülerInnen in Österreich [The influence of the image of Islam conveyed by the media on the religious orientation of Muslim pupils in Austria]

    Project by Prof. Dr. Ednan Aslan, MA, in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Erol Yildiz from the University of Innsbruck

    Migration and mobility are phenomena that have become indispensable in today's society. More and more people have transnational connections as well as their own or family migration and mobility experiences. Diverse lifestyles, language and everyday practices are also becoming increasingly visible and audible in Austria. The pluralisation of society is accompanied by dynamic processes that also influence religious orientations and affiliations. The proportion of the Muslim population in Austria has risen significantly in recent years and was put at around 700,000 members by the Austrian Integration Fund (ÖIF) in 2017 (cf. ÖIF 2017).

    If we look at the media representation of Muslims and Islam, we see above all organised Muslim associations, institutions and mosque congregations, which, however, only make up a small section of religious everyday practices and by no means reflect the diversity of all Muslims (cf. Aslan/Kolb/Yildiz 2017). In media representations, there are numerous examples that often depict Muslims as "different" in a generalised way. This image creates binary group affiliations ("us" and "them")

    The findings of this study are on the one hand relevant for experts, but also have social significance beyond that, as they encourage critical reflection on existing images of Islam and their academic and media reproduction. The results can also serve to rethink existing concepts of migration and integration. In addition to the deconstruction of stereotypes, insights into their structural conditions of emergence are indispensable for professional interaction in a heterogeneous field of work.

    Further information can be found on the project website (in German).

    Project duration: 2020-2022

  • IRP: Podcast zur virtuellen Konferenz "Peace Education and Religions" [Podcast for the virtual conference "Peace Education and Religions"]

    A project by Prof. Dr Ednan Aslan, MA

    Project duration: 2020

  • IRP: Religious and Scientific Instruction on Evolution and Origins in Israeli Schools

    A project by Prof. Dr. Ednan Aslan, MA in cooperation with University Haifa, University College London

    Project duration: 2019-2023

  • IRP: Handbuch der Islamischen Religionspädagogik [Handbook of Islamic Religious Education]

    A project by Prof. Dr Ednan Aslan, MA

    Project duration: 2018-2022

  • IRP: Citizenship Education and Islam

    The university project "Citizenship Education and Islam" under the direction of Prof. Dr. Ednan Aslan, MA, CEAI for short, offers teaching materials, podcasts, videos and blog posts on socio-political topics from the perspective of a European-style Islam. Citizenship is the encounter of people with the structures and laws of a state. If religion and migration play a role in this, it also requires a particular degree of debate. It is an exciting encounter. Ideally, a dialogue.

    The project serves to convey intercultural values. This arises on the one hand from Austrian-Christian cultural history and on the other hand from the traditional religious attitude of Muslims in Austria. The CEAI project wants to take the religious background of Muslim children and young people seriously. Therefore, CEAI offers a substantive, but also personal-emotional examination of the question of which individual and authentic participation possibilities exist in Austrian society. In this regard, the focus is on identity formation and civic awareness of young Muslims in Austria.

    CEAI aims to provide the clearest possible definitions and representations of various values, principles, tenets and norms of Islam and democracy. Democracy in this sense is not to be understood merely as a model of rule. In the context of the Austrian Constitution, democracy also refers to ensuring the rule of law, respecting universal human rights, allowing diversity and guaranteeing peace, security and freedom. This can enable the participation of all children and young people living in Austria in shaping the future and create a solid foundation for social peace.

    Further information can be found on the CEAI website (in German).

    Project duration: 2015-2020

  • IRP: Islamische Landkarte

    A project by Prof. Dr Ednan Aslan, MA

    Project duration: 2012-2020

Ongoing Dissertation Projects

  • Erwartungen der muslimischen Eltern an den islamischen Religionsunterricht (Author: Caliskan, Seyide; Supervisor: Ednan Aslan)
  • Interreligiöser Dialog an den öffentlichen Schulen in Österreich (Author: Kudun, Dilek; Supervisor: Ednan Aslan)
  • Effekte des islamischen Religionsunterrichtes (Author: Tamara Nili-Freudenschuß; Supervisor: Ednan Aslan)
  • Abū al-Muʿīn an-Nasafī und die māturīdische Theolgie (Author: Bego Hasanovic; Supervisor: Ednan Aslan)
  • Entwurf eines Schulbuches als hybrides Lehrmittel für den Alevitischen Religionsunterricht in Österreich in der Sekundarstufe I (Author: Kalayci, Erdal; Betreuer*in: Ednan Aslan)
  • Schiitischer Islam im islamischen Religionsunterricht in Österreich (Author: Nili-Freudenschuß, Reza; Supervisor: Ednan Aslan)
  • Islam und Pluralität (Author: Kocyigit, Ibrahim; Supervisor: Zekirija Sejdini)
  • Das Tor şerîat im alevitischen Erziehungssystem (Author: Serdar Yilmaz; Supervisor: Ednan Aslan)
  • Der Islam und die Grundlagen der Herrschaft (Author: Mustafi, Nadire; Supervisor: Ednan Aslan)
  • Gotteskonzepte. Eine Studie zur theoretischen Modellierung und empirischen Erfassung von Gotteskonzepten bei muslimischen OberstufenschülerInnen im Raum Wien (Author: Salkic Joldo, Minela; Supervisor: Ednan Aslan)
  • Selbstverständnis islamischer Privatschulen (Author: Medeni, Elif; Supervisor: Henning Schluß)

Ongoing Master's Theses

  • Inklusion im islamischen Religionsunterricht an Österreichs Pflichtschulen am Beispiel Wien (Author: Salihovic, Ramiza; Supervisor: Ednan Aslan)
  • Umgang mit islamischen ReligionslehrerInnen mit Musik im Islamunterricht in der Sekundarstufe II in Wien (Author: Ali, Mohammed; Supervisor: Ednan Aslan)
  • Interreligiöse Kompetenzen des islamischen ReligionslehrerInnen an den Sekundarstufen 1 und 2 in Wien (Author: Önder, Cigdem; Supervisor: Ednan Aslan)
  • Der Alevitische Religionsunterricht in Österreich aus der Sicht von alevitischen Oberstufenschüler*innen und Eltern. Eine regionale Analyse im Raum Wien und Niederösterreich (Author: Bozkaya, Dilek; Supervisor: Ednan Aslan)
  • Der Alevitische Religionsunterricht in Österreich aus der Sicht von alevitischen Oberstufenschüler*innen und Eltern. Eine regionale Analyse im Raum Wien und Niederösterreich (Author: Kalayci, Nurten; Supervisor: Ednan Aslan)
  • Jugendliche trauern anders. Die Erwartungen 14-18 jähriger muslimischer Schüler*innen von islamischen Religionspädagog*innen in Trauersituationen (Author: Eroglu-Koc, Deniz Esra; Supervisor: Ednan Aslan)
  • Abmeldungen vom islamischen Religionsunterricht seit der Einführung des Ethikunterrichtes als Ersatzfach. Eine empirische Untersuchung in der 10. Schulstufen des BMHS in Wien (Author: Randja, Meriem; Supervisor: Ednan Aslan)
  • Die Lernmethoden von Burhan ad-Din Al-Zarnug und deren Bedeutung für den gegenwärtigen islamischen Religionsunterricht - Eine Untersuchung seines Werkes: "Ta'lim al-Muta'allim" (Author: Tezcan, Neslihan; Supervisor: Ednan Aslan)
  • Erkenntnistheorie in der arabisch-islamischen Tradition nach Mohammed 'Abed al-Gabiri. Eine erforderliche Revision in den Regeln und den Prinzipien der Tradition (Author: Ait Oussalah, Hassane; Supervisor: Ednan Aslan)
  • Tugendlehre bei Thomas von Aquin und Abu Ali Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Yaqub ibn Miskawaih. Eine vergleichende Literaturanalyse (Author: Ceylan, Ayse; Supervisor: Ednan Aslan)

Completed Master's Theses

  • Erzieherische Grundsätze im Verhältnis zwischen Wissen und Handlung bei Abū-Ḥāmid al-Ġazālī (gest. 1111 n. Chr.) : eine Analyse des Werkes "Ayyuhā 'l-walad (O Kind!)", 2022 (Author: Al-Janabi, Abd-Almalk, Supervisor: Ednan Aslan)
  • Thematisierung der Meinungsfreiheit in den Lehrbüchern des islamischen Religionsunterrichts. Eine Untersuchung der Schulbuchreihe "Islamstunde", 2022 (Author: Almira Kelemis-Busatlic; Supervisor: Ednan Aslan)
  • Eine Analyse der Islamkritik des Johannes von Damaskus und ihre Bedeutung für eine konstruktive Dialogskultur im IRU. Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Trinität sowie des Diskursverlaufes, 2022 (Author: Wolfgang Ismet Wilde; Supervisor: Ednan Aslan)
  • Abü Hanifas pädagogische Ansätze und Unterrichtsmethoden und ihre Relevanz für die Gegenwart, 2021 (Author: Aloji, Nuhroz; Supervisor: Ednan Aslan)
  • Interreligiöses Lernen im islamischen und katholischen Religionsunterricht : eine kritische Untersuchung zu Bedingungen, Chancen und didaktischen Zugängen des interreligiösen Dialogs in österreichischen Mittelschulen, 2021 (Author: Boubaker, Mohamed Salah; Supervisor: Ednan Aslan)
  • Das tiefe Nachsinnen ("tafakkur") als Quelle religiöser Mündigkeit : eine textanalytische Untersuchung in Hinblick auf die Erziehung zu religiöser Mündigkeit im IRU mit Bezug zum "tafakkur"-Begriff, 2021 (Author: Durur, Recep; Supervisor: Ednan Aslan)
  • Die Beziehung von Bildung und Theater - zur szenischen Didaktik : "Das Theater der Unterdrückten" nach Augusto Boal und die Möglichkeit der Umsetzbarkeit im islamischen Religionsunterricht, 2020 (Author: Kilic, Özlem; Supervisor: Ednan Aslan
  • Interreligiöse Kompetenzen islamischer Religionslehrer*innen an den AHS in Niederösterreich, 2020 (Author: Darwish, Mostafa; Supervisor: Ednan Aslan)
  • Die Stellung der schiitischen Lehre in den Schulbüchern und Lehrplänen der IGGiÖ, 2020 (Author: Nili Ardakani, Reza, Supervisor: Ednan Aslan)
  • Rolle und Selbstwahrnehmung der Imame in den arabischen Moscheen in Wien im Integrationsprozess der MuslimInnen, 2020 (Author: Moussa, Amr; Supervisor: Ednan Aslan)
  • Meditative und spirituelle Erfahrungen im islamischen Religionsunterricht, 2020 (Author: Suzan Hergünsen; Supervisor: Ednan Aslan)