Publication: Im Diskurs mit dem Qurʼān [In discourse with the Qurʼān]


This publication by Dr Ranja Ebrahim is available from Springer.


["The main focus of the research work is the development of a pedagogical concept for action, which is generated on the basis of the 'four-factor model' of theme-centred interaction (TCI) according to Ruth Cohn and in combination with the Qurʼānic revelation occasions. The main aim of the model is to enable a barrier-free connection between the adolescent life worlds and the Qurʼān, without presupposing a versedness in the fields of the qurʼānic sciences. In this way, young people should be invited to interpret, evaluate and classify Qurʼānic content from their own world of experience and thus actively participate in the progress of an Islamic theology and religious education that is appropriate to the time and place."]