In addition to traditional religious singing (nevruziye), performed by Meltem Baykal and Seda Erol, the historical and spiritual significance of nevruz in Alevism was discussed in contributions by Tuğrul Kurt, head of the Department, historian Rıza Yıldırım, and Erdal Kalaycı, interim head of the discipline of Alevi Theology at the IITS.
In 2025, the use of the solar calendar for Imam Ali's birthday and the lunar calendar for the anniversary of Imam Ali's death resulted in a special occurrence. Both days fell on 21 March. This is why the Nevruz celebration became a Nevruz commemoration. After the speeches, food that had been brought along, known as lokma, was distributed and the evening came to an end - accompanied by the wish for a peaceful and bright new beginning for everyone.