

Summary Online Conference "Contributions of Islamic Theological research to the development of religious education theory"

On 21 October 2023, Senol Yagdi from the discipline of Islamic Religious Education hosted an online conference on the topic of "Contributions of...


Online conference "Contributions of Islamic Theological research to the development of religious education theory"

The discipline of Islamic Religious Education is organising an online conference on 21 October 2023, starting at 10am, on the topic "Contributions of...


International Symposium: Commercialisation of Religions in the Globalising World

The discipline of Islamic Religious Education is organising the International Symposium on Commercialisation of Religions in the Globalising World...


Summaries of the lecture series in the summer semester 2023

After the lectures of the online lecture series "Interreligious Hermeneutics in a Plural Society" by Ibrahim Kocyigit (key research area Islam in...


Summary Online Conference "Islamic Religious Education in Current Discourse"

On 17.06.2023, the online conference "Islamic Religious Education in Current Discourse - Empirical Findings on Contemporary Religious Education in a...


Online Conference "Islamic Religious Education in the Current Discourse"

In recent years, an "empirical turn" can be noted in (Islamic) religious education studies, which aims to gradually close the existing theory-practice...


Online Event "A discussion from an academic perspective on Alevi religious education in Germany"

As part of the research project Alevi Religious Education and Digitalisation in Europe: Limits, Opportunities and Expectations, the discipline of...


Online Event "A Conversation from the Perspective of Teachers and Clergy on Alevi Religious Instruction in Germany"

As part of the research project Alevi Religious Education and Digitalisation in Europe: Limits, Opportunities and Expectations, the discipline of...


Photo exhibition "33" Gebetshäuser und Gläubige Istanbuls [Prayer houses and believers of Istanbul]

We invite you to the official opening of the photo exhibition "33" Gebetshäuser und Gläubige Istanbuls [Prayer Houses and Believers of Istanbul] by...