Academic specialisation in Islamic Theology
Course of Studies (in German)
The suggested path through the programme for the specialisation in Islamic Theology is a non-binding recommendation of how you can complete your studies within the standard duration of the programme. This makes it possible to graduate within the standard duration of the programme. Students should choose their focus from the first semester onwards (in u:space/exam pass).
Learning outcomes and qualifications
In compulsory modules and alternative compulsory modules/groups of compulsory modules, students of the bachelor's programme in Islamic-Theological Studies who chose the specialisation in Islamic Theology at the University of Vienna acquire knowledge of the classical disciplines, such as Koran exegesis (tafsīr), Hadith studies (ʿulūm al-ḥadīṯ), Islamic jurisprudence (fiqh), discursive theology (kalām), Islamic mysticism (taṣawwuf), Islamic ethics (aḫlāq) and philosophy (falsafa), history of Islam (tārīḫ al-islām) and Islamic Religious Education. In addition, they familiarise themselves with the methods of the discipline and gain thorough knowledge of the basic principles of faith, in particular of the Koran, the prophetic biography (sīra) and prophetic tradition (sunna).
Additionally, they gain profound knowledge and an understanding of current issues of Islamic religious practice with regard to the "contextualisation" of Islam in Europe. In particular, the history and development of Islamic theological and Islamic academic traditions and points of view that relate to the lives of Muslims as citizens of democratic societies are discussed. This includes interreligious, ideological and interdisciplinary dialogue. Students also acquire basic knowledge of Islamic pastoral care and community work in the context of pluralistic societies.