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Cosan Eke D, Djuric Milovanovic A, Zrinščak S. Interreligious Dialogue and Migration: Grassroots Initiatives and Comparative Perspectives from Austria, Croatia, and Serbia. in Connecting Theory and Practical Issues of Migration and Religious Diversity: Religious and Non-Religious Narratives on Migration. Brill. 2025

Cosan Eke D, Zirh BC, Cetin Ü, Jenkins C. Narratives in the Politics of Recognition of Alevis in the course of migration from Turkey to Western Europe since the 1960s. in Connecting Theory and Practical Issues of Migration and Religious Diversity: Religious and non-religious Narratives on Migration. Brill. 2025


Cosan Eke D. Doing Ethnography with a Faith Community: Oscillating between In- and Outsider. in The Multi-sided Ethnographer: Living the Field Beyond Research : A Festschrift in honour of Martin Sökefeld. Transcript Verlag. 2024

Kara C, (ed.), Reuter E, (ed.), Turóczy Z, (ed.). Entangled Sufism in (Post-)Ottoman Europe: Cross-Disciplinary Approaches. 2024.

Kara C. Zwischen Annäherung und Abgrenzung. Die christlich-bektaschitische Beziehungsgeschichte im langen 19. Jahrhundert. in Ersan-Akkilic E, Ratkowitsch C, Hrsg., Christentum und Islam in der Geschichte: Zwischen Bewunderung und Polemik. Springer VS. 2024. S. 267-290


Cosan Eke D. Avrupa´daki Alevilerin Dünü ve Bugünü. in Sosyal Bilimler Perspektifinden Aleviler ve Alevilik. Ankara, Türkiye: Ütopya Yayinevi. 2023

Cosan Eke D, Trinca E. Religion, Religious Groups and Migration. London: Transnational Press, London, 2023. 157 S.


Aksünger-Kizil H. Wissen für den Religionsunterricht für alle Landesinstitut für Lehrerbildung und Schulentwicklung . 2022.

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