Symposium on Pedagogical Resources for Dialogue between Science Education and Religious Education


This symposium is co-convened by Prof. Hanan Alexander, University of Haifa, and Prof. Michael Reiss, University College London. This online gathering is designed to be a preliminary event in preparation for an in-person conference in Haifa (COVID-19 permitting) in December 2021. The in-person event is to be sponsored by the British Council, and co-sponsored by the Academic Study Group. In this interim symposium, researchers will present work in progress from the ongoing Templeton World Charity Foundation funded project "Dialogue in Science and Religious Education: Evolution Instruction in a Diverse Society using Pedagogy of Difference," directed by Prof. Alexander, and co-directed by Prof. Tali Tal, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology.

Schedule for Monday, February 22, 2021


9am UK/11am Israel: Welcome - Prof. Michael Reiss and Prof. Hanan Alexander, brief introductions of participants


9:15-9:30 UK/11:15-11:30 Israel: Overview of project, Dr. Rachel S. A. Pear


9:30-11:15 UK/11:30-1:15 Israel: Session 1 - Chair, Dr. Denis Alexander

Philosophical analysis: Presentation by Prof. Hanan Alexander and Moria Bregman (University of Haifa, 30 min.), responses from Dr. Yotam Hotam (University of Haifa, 15 min.) and Prof. Michael Hand (University of Birmingham, 15 min.)


11:30-12:00 UK/1:30-2:00 Israel: Break 


12:00-1:45 UK/2:00-3:45 Israel: Session 2 - Chair, Prof. Michael Reiss

Preliminary findings from interviews with Biology experts and policy makers: Presentation by Prof. Tali Tal and Dr. Masha Tsaushu (Technion, 30 min), responses from Prof. Anat Yarden and Dr. Merav Siani/Reut Stahi (Weizmann Institute, 15 min.) and Prof. Sibel Erduran (University of Oxford, 15 min.)


1:45-2:15 UK/3:45-4:15 Israel: Break 


2:15-4:00 UK/4:15-6:00 Israel: Session 3 - Chair, Prof. Ednan Aslan

Preliminary findings from interviews with Bible and Religious Education experts and policy makers. Presentation by Dr. Rachel S. A. Pear and Nigmeh Abu Tomeh Kaden (University of Haifa, 30 min), response from Dr. Janet Orchard (University of Bristol, 15 min) and Prof. David Aldridge (Edge Hill University, 15 min.)


4:15-4:50 UK/6:15-6:50 Israel: Summation - International Advisors of the Project: Dr. Denis Alexander, Prof. Ednan Aslan and Prof. Michael Reiss (10 min each), Farewell - Prof. Hanan Alexander


Zoom link for the symposium: