
Weitere Publikationen


Aslan E. Avusturya'da Islam ve Islam'in Kurumsal Temsili. in Journal of Socıal Sciences IZU, Hrsg., Çekmece IZÜ Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi: Avrupa'da Islam: Kurumsal Temsil sorunu. Band 7. İstanbul: İstanbul Sabahattın Zaim Üniversitesi. 2020. S. 40-65. 2

Aslan E. Migration, Religion and Early Childhood Education. 1 Aufl. Springer, 2020. 261 S. (Wiener Beiträge zur Islamforschung).

Jäggle M, Aslan E, Rothgangel M. Preface. in Religious Education at Schools in Europe. Part 5: Southeastern Europe. Göttingen: V&R unipress, Vienna University Press. 2020. S. 7-13. (Wiener Forum für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft; Nr. 5, Band 10).

Aslan E, (ed.), Rothgangel M, (ed.), Jäggle M, (ed.). Religious Education at Schools in Europe: Part 5: Southeastern Europe . Göttingen: V&R unipress, Vienna University Press, 2020. 279 S. (Wiener Forum für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft; Nr. 5, Band 10).

Aslan E, Hamidi X. Religious Education in Kosovo. in Rothgangel M, Aslan E, Jäggle M, Hrsg., Religious Education at Schools in Europe: Part 5: Southeastern Europe . Göttingen: V&R unipress, Vienna University Press. 2020. S. 119-139. (Wiener Forum für Theologie und Religionswissenschaft; Nr. 5, Band 10).


Aslan E. Gefangen in der Vergangenheit. Die Weltwoche. 2019 Okt 16;(Ausgabe 42/2019).

Kocyigit I. CE002 Terror 1010 Wien: . 2019.

Aslan E. Kulturen, Traditionen, Sprachen, Religionen. in Martinek J, Mazal W, Wetscherek E, Hrsg., Sozialpolitik und Zukunftssicherheit: Tagungsbericht Denkwerkstatt St. Lambrecht 2017 und 2018. 1 Aufl. Band VI. WIen: nwRecht. 2019. S. 123-133

Aslan E. Ар түрдүү коомчулук үчүн диний билим берүү. in «ИСЛАМ АЗЫРКЫ СВЕТТИК МАМЛЕКЕТТЕ: II эл аралык конференциясынын Баяндамалар жыйнагы. Bishkek: State Religious Affairs prepared by the National Commission of the Kyrgyz Republic to the United Nations. 2019. S. 55-64

Aslan E, Rausch M. Jewish of Qur'an. in Jewish-Muslim Relations: Historical and Contemporary Interactions and Exchanges. Springer. 2019. S. 17-33

Aslan E, (ed.), Rausch M, (ed.). Jewish-Muslim Relations: Historical and Contemporary Interactions and Exchanges. Springer, 2019. (Wiener Beiträge zur Islamforschung).