
Zeige Ergebnisse 41 - 59 von 59
Kuehn S. Pilgrimage as Muslim Religious Commemoration: The Case of Ajvatovica in Bosnia-Herzegovina. in Flaskerud I, Natvig R, Hrsg., Muslim Pilgrimage in Europe. New York: Routledge. 2017. S. 98-117. (Routledge studies in pilgrimage, religious travel and tourism).

Kuehn S. An Unusual Large Circular Compartmented 'Stamp Seal' of the Goddess with Animals: Some Thoughts on the Religious Symbol System of the Central Asian Bronze Age Culture of Bactria-Margiana. in Dubova N, Hrsg., Transactions of the Margiana Archaeological Expedition: In Memory of Professor Victor Sarianidi. Band 6. Moscow: Indrik. 2016. S. 305-322

Kuehn S. Vestiges of the Ourobóros in Medieval Islamic Visual Tradition. in von Stucky RA, Kaelin O, Mathys H-P, Hrsg., Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East (ICAANE). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz. 2016. S. 169-182

Kuehn S. Engel im Islam. in Theisen M, Hrsg., Engel: Himmlische Boten in alten Handschriften. Berlin: Lambert Schneider. 2014. S. 138-171

Kuehn S. The Dragon in Transcultural Skies: Its Celestial Aspect in the Medieval Islamic World. in Gutschow N, Weiler K, Hrsg., Spirits in Transcultural Skies: Auspicious and Protective Spirits in Artefacts and Architecture Between East and West. Heidelberg: Springer. 2014. S. 71-97. (Transcultural Research – Heidelberg Studies on Asia and Europe in a Global Context). doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-11632-7_4

Kuehn S. The Dragon in Medieval East Christian and Islamic Art. Leiden: Brill, 2011. 300 S. (Islamic History and Civilization, Band 86). doi: 10.1163/ej.9789004186637.i-390

Kuehn S. On the Role of the Ophidian and the Quadruped Dragon within the Iconography of the Mythological Scheme of the Oxus Civilisation. in On the Track of Uncovering a Civilization. A Volume in Honor of the 80th Anniversary of Victor Sarianidi, Transactions of the Margiana Archaeological Expedition. Band 3. Moscow: Aleteia. 2009. S. 43-67. (Transactions of the Margiana Archaeological Expedition, Band 3).

Kuehn S. Central Asian and Islamic Textiles and Works of Art 2. London: Rossi & Rossi Ldt , 2001. 87 S.

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