
‘Ganymede and the Eagle’: Variations of an Airborne Theme in the Iranian World?

Sara Kuehn
24.10.2014 - 26.10.2014

On the Iconographic Theme and the Cross-Cultural Diffusion of the ‘Sēnmurv’

Sara Kuehn
25.9.2014 - 27.9.2014

Vestiges of the Ourobóros in the Medieval Islamic Visual Tradition

Sara Kuehn
9.6.2014 - 13.6.2014

Iconographic Expressions of Muslim Mysticism: The Case of the Western Balkans

Sara Kuehn
21.5.2014 - 21.5.2014

The Interplay of the Angels and the Prophet Muḥammad in the Earliest Images of the Prophet in Islamic Art

Sara Kuehn
49th International Congress on Medieval Studies 2014
Konferenz, Vortrag
8.5.2014 - 11.5.2014

Towards a Pluridimensional Reading of Some Symbols and Imageries Employed by Present-Day Mystical Confraternities in the Western Balkans

Sara Kuehn
25.4.2014 - 26.4.2014

The Dragon Fighter in Eastern Christian and Islamic Art

Sara Kuehn
26.3.2014 - 26.3.2014

The Itinerant Antinomian Dervish: Reflections in 16th- and 17th-Century Mughal Miniatures in the Context of Indo-Iranian Traditions

Sara Kuehn
6.2.2014 - 8.2.2014

Monsters as Bearers of Life-Giving Powers? Trans-Religious Migrations of an Ancient Western Asian Symbolism (9th to 14th Century CE)

Sara Kuehn
4.2.2014 - 4.2.2014

Animals as Agents of Symbolic Metamorphoses in the External (Dis)guise of the Antinomian Dervish in Pre-Modern Visual Culture

Sara Kuehn
Le bestiaire des prophètes et des saints de l’Islam
Konferenz, Vortrag
6.12.2013 - 6.12.2013

(with M. Tütüncü) Balkanlarda Yaşayan Sarı Saltuk: Günümüzde Sarı Saltuk’un Balkan Ülkelerindeki önemi ve algısı üzerine.

Sara Kuehn
Balkanlara Gidişinin 750. Yılında: Uluslararası Sarı Saltuk Gazi Sempozyumu organised by T.C. Trakya Üniversitesi and Tika T.C. Başbakanlik
Konferenz, Vortrag
6.11.2013 - 10.11.2013

Further Notes on the Setting for the Veneration of Ṣarī Ṣaltūq Dede

Sara Kuehn
23.10.2013 - 27.10.2013

Pilgrimage as Muslim Religious Commemoration: The Case of Ajvatovica in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Sara Kuehn
3.10.2013 - 4.10.2013

Contemporary Bektashi Visual Piety in the Western Balkans

Sara Kuehn
Sixth Biennial Convention of the Association for the Study of Persianate Societies (ASPS)
Konferenz, Vortrag
2.9.2013 - 6.9.2013

Symbolic Characteristics of the Practice of Spiritual Retreat (Khalwa) in the Teachings of Sayyid Yaḥyā al-Shirwānī al-Bākūbī and His Spiritual Lineage

Sara Kuehn
Proceedings in Celebration of the 550th Anniversary of the Birth of Seyyid Yahya Bakuvi
Konferenz, Vortrag
2.7.2013 - 3.7.2013

Ungeheuer als Träger lebensspendender Macht? Transreligiöse Migrationen einer alten Symbolik im Vorderen Orient (9.–14. Jh.)

Sara Kuehn
19.2.2013 - 19.2.2013

Escaping the “Jaws of Death”: Some Visual Conceptualisations in Late Medieval Islamic and Eastern Christian Art

Sara Kuehn
22.1.2013 - 22.1.2013

On Beauty in the ‘Illuminist Vision’ of Suhrawardī Maqtūl

Sara Kuehn
15.12.2012 - 17.12.2012

The Jaws of Life or of Death in Islamic and Eastern Christian Art (10th–13th Centuries)

Sara Kuehn
The Ninth Biennial Iranian Studies Conference, The International Society for Iranian Studies (ISIS) and the Iran Heritage Foundation (IHF)
Konferenz, Vortrag
1.8.2012 - 5.8.2012

The Lupine Steppe Dragon Revisited: Its Representative Role on 3rd- to 1st-Century BC Pastoral Paraphernalia from Rostov Province to South Central and Western Siberia

Sara Kuehn
55th Annual Meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference (PIAC)
Konferenz, Vortrag
22.7.2012 - 27.7.2012