Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 10 von 43
Alevism Through Emotions. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Emotions in Alevi Traditions
Deniz Cosan Eke
Cem Kara
Alevism Through Emotions. <br/>Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Emotions in Alevi Traditions
Organisation von ...
23.9.2025 - 26.9.2025
Materiality in Lived Religions: Rethinking Religion and Theology
Deniz Cosan Eke
Ibrahim Kocyigit
Materiality in Lived Religions: Rethinking Religion and Theology
Organisation von ...
8.7.2025 - 12.7.2025
A Gender Lens on Alevism: Narratives of Alevi Identity and Gender Equality in Migration Experiences
Deniz Cosan Eke
Second Biennial International Conference of Alevism Studies
2.7.2025 - 4.7.2025
Navigating Emotional Politics: Religious Communities and Their Migration Experiences
Deniz Cosan Eke
Gilda Seddighi
Navigating Emotional Politics: Religious Communities and Their Migration Experiences
Organisation von ...
30.6.2025 - 4.7.2025
Exploring Religious Identity through Gender and Age: Alevis in the UK and Austria
Deniz Cosan Eke
Ümit Cetin
Celia Jenkins
Webinar. Exploring Religious Identity through Gender and Age: Alevis in the UK and Austria
10.3.2025 - 10.3.2025
The Construction of Collective Religious Memory through Religious Education: The (In)visibility of Alevis in Schools in the European context
Deniz Cosan Eke
Crossroads of Learning: Exploring the Intersection of Education, Migration, and Religion
3.3.2025 - 4.3.2025
Diverse Perspectives: Stakeholders in Migration Dynamics
Deniz Cosan Eke
Connecting Theory and Practical Issues of Migration and Religious Diversity (COREnet)
21.2.2025 - 21.2.2025
Forschungzentrum RaT (Religion and Transformation of Contemporary Society) Studientag.
Deniz Cosan Eke
Forschungzentrum RaT (Religion and Transformation of Contemporary Society) Studientag.
Vortragsreihe, Kolloquium,
Teilnahme an ...
22.11.2024 - 22.11.2024
Ringvorlesung "Interdisziplinäre Studien zum Alevitentum"
Deniz Cosan Eke
Ringvorlesung "Interdisziplinäre Studien zum Alevitentum"
Vortragsreihe, Kolloquium,
Organisation von ...
8.10.2024 - 28.1.2025
COST Action 20107- Connecting Theory and Practical Issues of Migration and Religious Diversity Meeting-Istanbul
Deniz Cosan Eke
COST Action 20107- Connecting Theory and Practical Issues of Migration and Religious Diversity Meeting-Istanbul
Organisation von ...
30.9.2024 - 30.9.2024
Zeige Ergebnisse 1 - 10 von 43